Energy Audits

Energy Audits

Certified, vendor-neutral energy auditors conduct audits in accordance with standards developed by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers association (ASHRAE). The audits offered are: Level I - Walk-Through Analysis, Level II - Energy Survey and Engineering Analysis, and Level III - Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modifications.

Contact us for more information about energy audits.

Preliminary Energy Use Analysis
The preliminary audit analyzes your facility's historical energy use, benchmarking the building, and performing a utility rate analysis to pinpoint and identify cost-saving opportunities.

ASHRAE Level I - Walk-through Analysis
A Level I audit includes the preliminary energy use analysis described above, in addition to a site visit by a qualified energy engineer. Following the analysis, you receive a report detailing low-cost/no-cost measures and potential capital improvements for further study.

ASHRAE Level II - Energy Survey and Analysis
A Level II audit includes highly detailed energy calculations and financial analyses of proposed energy efficiency measures, in addition to the preliminary energy use analysis and ASHRAE Level I analysis. The financial analysis gives you a more detailed report of the financial benefits you can achieve by implementing energy-efficiency measures.

ASHRAE Level III – Detailed Analysis of Capital-Intensive Modifications
A Level III analysis is a further expansion of the previous levels and is customized based on the measures you want to analyze. This may include further refinement of an energy model or more extensive data collection.