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New white paper, Maximize Machine Vision Guided Robotics, discusses 2D and 3D vision for prospective and existing users.
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Horizontal type robot


Designed to work in a diverse range of high-speed applications, the RH (horizontal type) SCARA robots are ready to be the high speed robotic solution for even the most demanding of applications.

FRH Series SCARA Robots Overview

RH-FRH series

With an extensive selection of arm sizes, configurations, protection ratings, backed by “Next-Generation” features, and options designed to provide maximum productivity with minimal effort, the MELFA RH-FRH-Series line of SCARA robots are ready to tackle all of your high speed automation needs.


RH-CRH series

The RH-CRH line of industrial SCARA robots are lightweight, full function robots ready to meet the needs of today’s manufacturers at a great price. With a range of payloads, reaches, and protection ratings to choose from, these robots are well suited for Pick & Place, Assembly, Material Handling and Packaging applications.
