Discover Robot Vision

New white paper, Maximize Machine Vision Guided Robotics, discusses 2D and 3D vision for prospective and existing users.
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Intelligent Options


Prepared the option for further advanced applications.

By utilizing such as high precision vision sensors or force sensor, it can automate the advanced work that couldn't be done until now.

High-Performance Teaching box R86TB

The R86TB is a new teaching box further evolved from the conventional high-performance teaching box. Even if a computer cannot be brought to the site, one teaching box can handle a series of processes from setup to maintenance, reducing time and cost.


Safety option

Operators can enter to the robot operation area without stopping the robot system.


Wiring Solution

The AnyWire ASLINK wiring system can be incorporated in MELFA robots, to resolve gripper wiring problems.


Robot hand tool

The multifunctional electric hand option supports customer's various applications with various functions, great lineup, and highly accurate gripping.


Force sensor

Allows copy and fitting work to be completed in the same way a person would while the force applied to the hand is monitored. Enables necessary work such as fine force adjustments and force detection to be completed.
