Robot Preventive Maintenance
You need your robot to perform without problems, and we can help. In addition to providing the industry’s best initial warranty on our robots, we also provide effective maintenance programs that lower your total cost of ownership. With regular, proper maintenance from Mitsubishi Electric experts, you can avoid premature failure and costly, unplanned downtime.
With any key equipment, preventive maintenance will extend production life and ensure maximum uptime and utilization. In addition to normal maintenance service, we will perform a series of system checks designed to give you insight into potential causes of future failures.
While our preventive maintenance services are customized to meet the needs of each robot’s maintenance specifications, some of the services performed during our preventive maintenance visit will include:
- Inspection of robot condition, including internal harness, bellows, covers, cables, cooling fans, power supplies and batteries.
- Testing emergency stop, interlock, hand and teach pendant operation.
- Testing brake for slippage.
- Checking for excessive audible vibration and noise.
- Providing lubrication as needed.
- Inspecting controller condition and teach pendant cable.
- Performing a complete backup of system software (if applicable).
At the end of our service, we will provide to you a report which details any additional actions that may be required to keep your robot in peak condition.
Since production downtime can be your biggest cost during an unplanned failure, calling a Mitsubishi Electric Automation service engineer for preventive maintenance saves you time and money and gets your robot back into production faster.
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