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We offer a comprehensive line of drive products and solutions that are designed to satisfy your needs, from the very simple fractional horsepower components to the large and complex multi-system drive architectures.
Our Variable Frequency Drives are highly reliable and proven to deliver exceptional functionality year over year.

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Product List

FR-A Series

05lp2_s009 Our flagship inverter solution that delivers the best in multi-use performance, accuracy and system flexibility in an easy to use package that conforms to safety standards.

FR-A800 Plus Series

05lp2_s002 Our flagship inverter is optimized with features and functions for industry specific applications.

FR-F Series

05lp2_s003 Our next generation fan and pump inverter that delivers energy savings and a host of functionality crafted specifically for fans and pump.

FR-E Series

05lp2_s0041 The micro drive series that delivers exceptional performance, connectivity and flexibility in a compact package.

FR-D Series

05lp2_s005 The compact micro drive series benchmark that provides exceptional reliability and maintenance free operation.

Multi-Functional Regenerative Converter

05lp2_s008 Three modes of regeneration including: Dynamic Brake Regen, DC Common Bus Regen and DC Common Bus regeneration with harmonics suppression.

Engineering Software

05lp2_s007 Versatile and intuitive software tools to save you valuable engineering and commissioning time.