
White Papers

5 Smart Machine Trends You Need to Know


Uncover the 5 smart machine innovations that create a foundation for improving machine intelligence, while offering the added benefit of reshaping your business models for enhanced revenue streams and cost containment.

Smarter Machines Require Smarter Engineering and Strategy. Start here.


The future of smart machines is upon us. Be sure you’re considering all of the key trends when developing product strategy and designing your next-generation equipment.

Not long ago, analytics were the domain of Big Data players and super computer houses… Analytics are now available in small footprints and are built directly into products, allowing fit-for-purpose analytics to relay critical behaviors in real time.”

This white paper covers:

  • IoT integration
  • Analytics becoming mainstream
  • Remote monitoring through cloud services
  • Machine learning and AI
  • The increasing use of robotics

Improve machine intelligence. Reshape your business model. Drive new revenue streams and cost containment strategies. Bring your value proposition the next level.

Start here.

About Mitsubishi Electric Automation

Mitsubishi Electric Automation empowers innovators to create superior solutions by providing products that have unmatched levels of precision and ease of integration. We care about the success of your business; combine that with our know-how, products, and services, and you have the foundation for a trusted partnership that values quality, performance, and compatibility.

OEMs who effectively deploy intelligent devices inherently give themselves a margin-saving advantage in several different ways… provides real-time diagnostics, feedback on failure modes in real time, the foundation of intelligent machine parameters, and potential new revenue streams…

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