
AC Servo



MR-J2S/MR-J2M Servo Legacy Information

Background: The MR-J2S/MR-J2M servo amplifiers and compatible HC/HA motors were introduced in 1999 as a highly flexible servo offering designed to fit a wide range of applications with the introduction of industry leading technology.  The MR-J4 family of servo amplifiers and compatible HG motors embody the innovative spirit of the MR-J2S and leverages cutting edge technology providing users with a renewed competitive advantage.

Lifecycle: Introduced (1999) - Discontinued (2015)

Service Life: Repair Service is available until August 2022.

Migration Info

The MR-J4 servo family and compatible HG servo motors are the most suitable replacements. Migration details including catalog number comparisons, migration precautions, hardware, software and network compatibility can be located in the manuals provided on this site.  Please contact your local Mitsubishi Distributor or sales office for further information.