
Class Offerings

Motion Control & Servo

Gain cutting-edge skills with our motion control and servo training programs.

Our classes are designed to develop students’ understanding of the operation and programming of Mitsubishi Electric servos and motion controllers. They include topics such as features of operation, setup, programming software, troubleshooting and more.

Motion Control & Servo Training

MR-J5 Motion Control (TRMOT203P)

This class is focused on positioning control, and does not contain a discussion of PLC addressing, address types, basic software operation or hardware configuration. The material in this class is applicable to the RD78G/GH Motion Controller and the MR-J5 Servo System.


D75/D77 Positioning (TRMOT112P)

This course familiarizes attendees with the QD75, QD77, LD75, and LD77 families of motion control modules and the software needed to configure, make changes, and maintain a motion system.


QD77/LD77 Advanced Positioning (TRMOT201A)

This course familiarizes attendees with the synchronous control functions of the QD77 and LD77 families of motion control modules.


MT Works2 Programming (TRSFT105P)

This course familiarizes attendees with the motion controllers and MT Works2 software.


Simple Motion (GX Works3) (TRMOT202P)

This course familiarizes attendees with the RD77MS, RD77GF, and FX5U-40SSC-S motion modules that are used with in the GX Works3 engineering tool.